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CBRS is a band of radio-frequency spectrum from 3.5GHz to 3.7GHz that the Federal Communications Commission has designated for sharing among three tiers of users: incumbent users, priority licensees and generally authorized, which is lightly licensed.
Check out our blog post here to learn more
For end users to connect to CBRS, they must go through an authentication process and because their data is transmitted using CBRS, their data is encrypted, offering a more secure connection. There are many tools available online to be used to compromise Wi-Fi security, but it will take a huge amount of time and resources to break SIM-based security encryption and control being used in cellular technology based LTE networks enabled by Edge Points with CBRS.
Click here to learn more about Edge and Security.
Edge Points can work with various SD-WAN providers or private line providers to bring specific customer traffic to Alefs’ Edge Point Platform. By leveraging Alef’s Edge Point Platform, you can bring cloud native applications closer to the end user location for processing, thus reducing latency and bandwidth needs. Another potential benefit could be to leverage Alef’s secure local breakout for internet traffic.
Edge computing is a distributed computing framework that brings applications closer to the point of data creation – such as IoT devices (cameras, microphones, and sensors), smartphones, or computers.
Click here to learn more about Edge Computing.
Cradlepoint is a hardware provider that offers devices that support CBRS. Edge Points works with CBRS enabled devices certified by the OnGo Alliance. (CBRS Alliance) Click here to view a complete list of compatible devices.
Wherever an entity defines it to be. Read our blog post here to learn more
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